Hillcrest Health & Rehab

Virtual Tour

Hillcrest Health & Rehab

Virtual Tour

Virtual Tour Instructions

Virtual tours are a great way to see the inside of each of the Hillcrest communities. To move around the virtual tour simply click ahead.

There are also faint white circles on the floor in the virtual tour. Click on these circles to jump to that specific spot.

Throughout the virtual tour you’ll see white and blue circles, or pins, that reveal the name of the particular room or feature within the building.

At the bottom left there is a menu that provides different viewing options.

Click the up arrow on the far left to open the highlights gallery. Click on the highlights photos to take you to specific locations.

Clicking on the play button (to the right of the highlights option) will automatically play the entire virtual tour so you can just enjoy it without having to click through the different locations. 

In some of the virtual tours there are white and green circles, or pins, that will teleport you to a different section of the building. 

You can also check the measurements of rooms by clicking on the ruler button. 

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